woensdag 30 september 2009

Ora Watch Concept: How To Tell Time with Measuring Tape

Alexandros Stasinopoulos’s Ora Watch concept is interesting for a few reasons. I don’t typically wear clothing or accessories that would help people draw the conclusion that I look like a school bus (just like your momma). I’m not fat, I’m big wheeled. The numbers are read via measuring tape which revolves to tell the time.

woensdag 16 september 2009

Reconstruction of Archigram's Walking Cities

The Walking City was an idea proposed by British architect Ron Herron in 1964. In an article in avant-garde architecture journal Archigram, Ron Herron proposed building massive mobile robotic structures, with their own intelligence, that could freely roam the world, moving to wherever their resources or manufacturing abilities were needed. Various walking cities could interconnect with each other to form larger 'walking metropolises' when needed, and then disperse when their concentrated power was no longer necessary. Individual buildings or structures could also be mobile, moving wherever their owner wanted or needs dictated.. Via: MKF