maandag 30 maart 2009

zondag 22 maart 2009

Manipulations by Erik Johansson

Strange, Archaic Audio Storage Device Used to Create Impressive Musician Artwork

Called "Ghost in the Machine," this artwork from iri5 uses some kind of "cassette" to recreate the likenesses of popular musicians. Apparently, cassettes were used for music and seduction, by way of a "mix tape."
But more seriously, this is a pretty ingenious use of older gadget-y materials to make something inspiring and new. There's also a Bob Dylan, as well as a Marilyn Monroe made from an old movie reel. Says the artist:
I am an artist who specializes in using non traditional media… old books, cassettes, playing cards, magazines, credit cards… whatever I can find. It feels great to work with strange, older materials. Things that have a mind of their own. Most everything I use has been thrown away or donated at some point. Past its prime, like some of the finest things in the world.