donderdag 17 december 2009

Huh? What? I Can’t Hear You!

Developed by the Dutch Army during World War I and II, these Acoustic Listening Devices were expected to be used as part of their air defense system. And they were undoubtedly a rousing success.

maandag 12 oktober 2009

Altered Barbie Exhibit

Happy Birthday, Barbie! “Celebrating artists from around the Bay who reuse everything to make Barbie and Ken into recycled and re-usable art; including mixed-media, painting, printmaking, photography, quilts, fashion, poetry & 3D Barbies with video, performance and film!” Die “Altered Barbie Exhibit” zeigt Barbie, wie wir sie schon immer mal sehen wollten: Als Bulimie-Barbie, SM-Barbie oder Junkie-Barbie. Und die älteren unter uns, müssen natürlich da auch an den legendären Fake der “Barbie Liberation Organization” denken.

zondag 4 oktober 2009

Hungry Planet: What the World Eats

photos from Hungry Planet: What the World Eats by peter menzel and faith d’alusio.  in the essay, families from different countries laid out the food that they consumed in a typical week.  here are some of the excerpts:
united states: the revis familyfood-usa
 china – the dong family

 mexico – the casales familyfood-mexico
 ecuador – the ayme familyfood-ecuador
 mali – the natomo familyfood-mali

crazy_treehouse.jpg (JPEG Image, 490x730 pixels)

woensdag 30 september 2009

Ora Watch Concept: How To Tell Time with Measuring Tape

Alexandros Stasinopoulos’s Ora Watch concept is interesting for a few reasons. I don’t typically wear clothing or accessories that would help people draw the conclusion that I look like a school bus (just like your momma). I’m not fat, I’m big wheeled. The numbers are read via measuring tape which revolves to tell the time.

woensdag 16 september 2009

Reconstruction of Archigram's Walking Cities

The Walking City was an idea proposed by British architect Ron Herron in 1964. In an article in avant-garde architecture journal Archigram, Ron Herron proposed building massive mobile robotic structures, with their own intelligence, that could freely roam the world, moving to wherever their resources or manufacturing abilities were needed. Various walking cities could interconnect with each other to form larger 'walking metropolises' when needed, and then disperse when their concentrated power was no longer necessary. Individual buildings or structures could also be mobile, moving wherever their owner wanted or needs dictated.. Via: MKF

woensdag 19 augustus 2009

The Williams X-JET, or “Williams Aerial Systems Platform II”, 1982

The previous WASP was evaluated by The US Marine Corps eight years earlier. This version was extensively tested by the US Army, who turned it down due to - it is believed - the fact that it could not compete with the faster and more versatile helicopter.

Carmagnolle Diving Suit

There was only one Carmagnolle diving suit ever made and it sits, unused, in the Navy museum in Paris. In order to cope with undersea water pressure the helmet looks like a giant insect eye compound lens with 20, small, round, lenses, one of which screws open to allow the wearer some fresh air while being suited up.